How Can Elderly People Proof Their Home Against Theft

How Can Elderly People Proof Their Home Against Theft

Home is where older adults should feel the safest.

However, because many seniors live alone, have weakened physical functions and are less likely to be in touch with the latest security innovations, they can become easy targets in the eyes of criminals.

If you have an ageing loved one who may be vulnerable, read this article to find out which are some of the best ways older people can proof their home against theft.

Never Underestimate The Importance of Basic Home Security Protection

According to statistics released by, properties with no security measures in place are five times more likely to be burgled compared to those that have them.

Here are a few simple best practices that can make a huge difference when it comes to keeping a seniors’ house safe from burglary.

  • Keeping doors and windows secured at all times. Burglars look for open or unlocked windows and doors to quickly gain access to a home, so this is one of the first security weaknesses homeowners should address.
  • Solid doors for entrances that lead into the house. In 72% of cases, a burglar will enter through a door, which makes solid wood or metal doors a smart investment. Also, with lock snapping becoming more common over recent years, having an anti-snap lock that can withstand this type of criminal attempts installed will increase the security level.
  • Installing a door viewer or peephole means seniors can easily find out who is on the other side of the door without having to answer it. It’s an old-school solution that works!
  • Reinforced windows. Any windows that are on the ground floor of your property, or within easy reach should be adequately secured. Placing plexiglass or security film on the inside provides an amplified level of security.
  • Good outside lighting. A poorly-lit home at night is like a beacon to burglars. Things like pathway and accent lights, string lights, wall lighting, and motion-activated lights will not only help seniors proof their home against theft but also improve the overall aesthetic look of the property. Lights on timers are particularly useful for those times when homeowners go on holiday or to visit their relatives.
  • Inside lighting. Something as simple as leaving a light on at night will deter burglars from wanting to break in into a well-lit home.
  • Keeping valuables away from the view of ground floor windows. Seniors should use drapes, curtains or blinds to stop prying people from trying to look inside and proof their home against theft.

When put into action, these simple security measures discourage burglars from targeting a home.

I encourage you to share this information with your ageing loved ones to help them be less vulnerable to burglary and protect themselves and their valuables.

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