Product of the Week - ERA 5 Lever British Standard Mortice Lock - Locksmiths Harrogate, 24 hour locksmiths, Emergency locksmiths

ERA 5 Lever British Standard Mortice Lock


I receive many calls from customers regarding upgrading the lock for insurance requirements. Many insurance policies stipulate that all locks must comply with British Standard, the most popular one is British Standard 3621 (BS3621). You may have seen the advert!!!


I generally supply the ERA 5 Lever British Standard Mortice Locks, I find this lock of very good quality, in fact, I have one on my own back door!


Mortice Locks are found on wooden doors and come in different sizes and types


Era 5 Lever British Standard Sashlock




Era 5 Lever British Standard Deadlock



On external doors, I only fit mortice locks which comply with British Standard (BS3621)


Because my van is fitted with a key cutter I can cut extra keys, this will save you a visit to a local shop and at a fraction of the price.


Why do you need to change a mortice lock?


You may want to change your mortice lock due to the following reasons:


1. The most popular is that you have moved home and you want a new set of keys for the property if there are several locks I can reset the levers so 1 key operate different locks


2. If you have an old property the current lock may not be up to British Standard, your insurance may stipulate that you must have BS3621 locks on wooden doors, if you are unsure, have a look at the guide or email a photo and I will try and ID the lock and give you some advice.


3. Mortice locks can be faulty, this is due to either wear and tear or damage from an attempted break-in, if the lock becomes stiff and you have to force the lock, I would recommend giving me a call, might be something simple or alternatively,  I can quote for a replacement.

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