UPVC Door Repairs - Locksmiths Harrogate, 24 hour locksmiths, Emergency locksmiths

What’s the problem?

When you lock door by pulling the handle up and it becomes harder and you have to force it?

Firstly check the door lock works with the door open, if so there is not a problem with the mechanism, but the door just needs realigning, ring me and I can solve the problem.


If the door won’t open or close?

The problem might either be the euro cylinder or the mechanism, don’t panic I specialise in solving this problem, I carry a wide range of the most popular replacement products of my van and 90% of the time I can solve the problem in one visit.

If I can’t solve the problem in one visit and have to order a part I will put a temporary lock in the door, so you can use it and return at a convenient date and to fit the new lock, without charging for a return visit.



Euro Cylinders Changes and Repairs

This lock is generally found on UPVC or composite doors and can easily be replaced, generally this is the only lock on the door, therefore, you want to make sure the correct lock is fitted.


You might want to change your euro cylinder for several reasons


The most popular is that you have moved home and you want a new set of keys for the property, if there are several locks I can re-pin the lock so 1 key operates different locks


If you are changing your euro cylinder I would advise upgrading your lock to an anti-snap lock, there is a page showing why and what the different locks are here


Sometimes the euro cylinder becomes stiff and you have to force the lock if this is the case I
would call me immediately, it might be a simple barrel change but it could be the mechanism


Common fault – if you are having problems getting the key into the lock, put a bit of oil in the lock, this sometimes will solve the problem, if it doesn’t ring me.


Common UPVC Door Problems

Watch my video to identify some common problems with UPVC door






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